Friday, December 15, 2006

Thừa hơi một tí nào


EXTRA! The Birthday Times EXTRA!

Birthday Edition For Do Hai An

Saturday, March 20, 1982

?Volume 1, Special Issue

Do Hai An Was Born Today!

Image?Around the World In 1982...
This Year's Top Headlines

- John Belushi dies of a drug overdose
- British take Argentina in Falklands War
- Lebanon invaded by Israel
- Man who shot President Reagan is ruled insane
- Alice Walker published "The Color Purple"
- Space Shuttle 'Columbia' makes its maiden voyage

Image? The President Speaks on the Current U.S. Economy
Earlier today, the President announced this year's National Price Averages, stating he was happy with the changes in our economy. He also stated that although the price of bread has risen to $0.53? a loaf, the average income is also rising, topping at $8980.00? this year.

Image? National Price Averages This Year

The average home in 1982 cost the consumer $83900, while the cost of a car averaged $9865. A postage stamp now costs $0.20, while a gallon of gas is setting us back $1.30 a gallon. Here are some other interesting statistics:

Population - 231664458.00
Gasoline - $1.30 gallon
Electricity - $37.19
Bread - $0.53
Milk - $1.12 half gallon
Flour - $0.22
Doz. Eggs - $0.86
Bacon - $2.05
Bologna - $2.20
Ice Cream - $2.10
CPI - $298.40
Average Income - 8980.00

Image? The 1982 Academy Awards

What a year for the film industry! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences honored their best this year, with Best Actor going to Henry Fonda and Best Actress going to Katharine Hepburn. Chariots Of Fire received Best Picture.

Other News

- "Justice Dept withdraws antitrust suit against IBM"
- "7 miners killed in an explosion in Craynor Kentucky"
- "President Reagan proclaims economic sanctions against Libya"
- "PLO chief Yassar Arafat appears on 'Nightline'"
- "Iran launches offensive against Iraq"

St. Louis Cardinals Win 1982 World Series!

?St. Louis Cardinals fans all over are celebrating the Series win over the Milwaukee Brewers. Both teams played their best, but the St. Louis Cardinals took the series by four games to three.

Literary Contributions

The literary world contributed great reading during 1982. Some of the most noted titles were: E. T. the Extra Terrestrial Storybook by William Kotzwinkle, Space by James Michener, and The Parsifal Mosaic by Robert Ludlum.

Image?The Year
In Music

The music industry continues to deliver the hits. Among the the most popular in 1982 were "Centerfold" by The J Geils Band, "Physical" by Olivia N John and "Hurts So Good" by John Cougar.

Celebrities Sharing Do Hai's Birthday

Do Hai's birthday was shared with some pretty famous celebrities, including Holly Hunter, born in 1958. Others who shared their birthday:

Spike Lee? 1957
William Hurt? 1950
Pat Riley? 1945
Lois Lowry? 1937
Hal Linden? 1931



  1. oh, anh lay cac thong tin nay tu web nao the ah? nhin cute ha^^

  2. Ư, công nhận, nom hay đáo để anh Hải An ạ...
